Locations We Serve
We serve customers from the states of North and South Carolina.
North Carolina
North Carolina is home to a large Filipino population, estimated to be around 17,000. The Filipino community in North Carolina is largely concentrated in the Raleigh-Durham and Charlotte metropolitan areas. There are a number of Filipino restaurants and grocery stores in these areas, as well as Filipino cultural and social organizations. The Filipino Community Center in Raleigh provides a variety of services to the local Filipino community, such as English classes, legal assistance, and health screenings. The Filipino American Association of the Carolinas also provides social and cultural activities for the Filipino community in the area.
South Carolina
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the Philippine-born population in South Carolina was 6,222 in 2019, ranking 19th per capita in the nation.
The Filipino-American population in South Carolina is widely dispersed, living in large metropolitan areas and small towns alike. There are many Filipino businesses and churches, as well as cultural and social activities, in the state.
The Filipino-American community has a strong presence in the education and health care sectors, and many of the community's members actively volunteer in the community. South Carolina is also home to several Filipino-American elected officials, including Senator Mia McLeod, Representative Wendy Brawley, and Representative Gilda Cobb-Hunter.